Friday 23 November 2012

Black Men are the weakest male race

Black men are the weakest male race. Fact… or should I say westernized black men! They are the only race of men who constantly belittle their own people/women; the majority abandon their own blood and cannot provide for THEMSELVES let alone their family.  To destroy your own people seems like the genes of a weak man… a weak people… a weak race to me. Tell me how it is that so many men are so far gone that they will go against and destroy their own people/women in front of others and enjoy doing it. This demonstrates their weakness.

Now black men argue that it’s not going against your race to go out with other races and its not! “It’s 2000 and____” as the saying goes; women are allowed to vote, gays are accepted in society and interracial couples are the norm now.   Everyone is different and everyone has their own preferences. Let me repeat you are not going against your race by dating other races! (Heck I’ve drank some milk too…mmmmmm)
But let me tell you what is! Let me tell you what is going against your own people. It’s some of you men’s justification for why you’re dating outside your race! Saying that you do not like black ladies or there is something wrong with them isn’t a valid reason. This IS going against your own race. Why do you feel the need to drag black women through the dirt, to justify you going out with who ever.

Do you feel that emasculated by the other races of men that you continue ridicule black ladies? Are you that INSECURE? It’s pretty embarrassing TBH. :-/Like I said If you want to date other races I’M ALL FOR IT! My partner is white and I’ve NEVER heard him say his dating me because he doesn’t like white ladies (although his had bad relationships with them in the past). He’s a real man! Why is it so hard to just say "i like ____ women". Instead of saying "black ladies are_____ that's why i date________" As much as you try to separate yourselves from black women, we are still the same race, the most we ask is some RESPECT and if you want to date other races, some respect to your own race!

Heck I couldn't imagine putting down black men; I have too much respect for my father, the grandfathers and my HISTORY. Because for a man to do that to their own people makes them the ugliest, the worst and the most disgusting type of men out there. No other man does what a black man does to their own ladies therefore they are the worst and WEAKEST type of men! Black men who put down black women have been fooling themselves, it’s not the black woman who they belittle, make fun of and embarrass in front others that are the least type of human but themselves who can do that to not just anyone but to their own people.

For this blog I will turn the table around, I will become these BLACK MEN! I mean let’s look at this properly, black men are the lowest type of men, they couldn't even protect their own women from becoming slaves and being raped by other races (well at least the western ones). They didn't do their jobs as men and are still unable to, (yep i'm going there). But still they brag about being strong and winning sport races and being strong, well not strong enough to protect your own, no matter how you see black women! You didn't do your job and a lot of you ARE STILL NOT DOING IT! You probably feel less of a man, all things considered you probably should. I mean you are the most useless men out there, can't even protect your own. That’s why you can belittle your own people/women…(Case of bullied school kid bulling a weaker kid). Other races don’t destroy black women as much as black men do to their own women… how sad! The gene of uselessness has been passed down through generations and here we are today. Black women won’t say this, (we got too much class) heck most black women don't wanna think like this because we don't want to destroy you any further than you have ALREADY been destroyed. The worst thing would be after everything that your own women turn against you, even when in a way we should! Black men are the only men who totally destroy their own women, destroying your own women is like destroying your own family but black men enjoy and take PRIDE in doing so. Tell me what that says about black men, that they are weak, stupid, little and pathetic. Black men are pathetic.

There is no man like the black man, the weakest type of man out there!

Now I don't think all black men are like this, my father isn't my brothers aren't either